
Accommodating Future Growth

Discover Herefordshire Local Plan 2021-2041, Accommodating Future Growth. Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Accommodating Future Growth

The Herefordshire Housing Market and Needs Assessment (HMANA) 2021 established a baseline housing requirement for the next 20-year period of around 17,000 dwellings. This figure is reviewed annually using the government’s ‘standard method’ for calculating needs based on future population projections. In 2023, this revised the requirement down to 16,100 dwellings for the period 2021-2041. Delivery of this target will be proportionally distributed between Hereford City, the county’s five market towns, and across the identified settlements in the rural areas. 

To provide increased support for communities that have a locally identified and evidenced need to deliver affordable homes, sites which are within or adjacent to existing settlements outside of the identified Rural Settlement Hierarchy.

Local Planning Authorities are required to set pitch targets for Gypsies and Travellers and plot targets for Travelling Show People which address the likely permanent and transit site accommodation needs of Travellers in Herefordshire over the plan period. It is important to ensure that there is an adequate supply of pitches and plots for all groups of Travellers on authorised sites in the county. Without a permanent site, it is difficult for traveller families to access basic health care, support and education services. 

You can find the policy wording together with information about this topic in ‘Accommodating future growth’ document

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Policy AG4 is for locating developments of rural exception site affordable housing, self and custom build and Community Led Housing developments outside of the settlement hierarchy of the identified 68 villages.  Do you agree with the basis with for the policy approach taken here?  

Pre-school nursery
Play area
Village Hall / Community Hall
Doctors / Medical provision
Access to public transport (5 return journey availability)
Within 5km of an employment site (as identified in the Employment Land Study)
Access to public Electric Vehicle charging

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Flooding High Risk zone 3
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
Conservation Area
C and U road accessed settlements

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