
Health Issues and Social and Community Facilities

Discover Herefordshire Local Plan 2021-2041, Health Issues and Social and Community Facilities . Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Health Issues and Social and Community Facilities

Social and community facilities can include a range of public services, cultural and leisure uses and services provided by the community and voluntary sector. Public Health England’s (PHE) Healthy Places guidance states that both the built and natural environment are part of the wider determinants of health and wellbeing across your lifespan and have an influence on your physical and mental health, and on health inequalities. 

The quality of the built and natural environment can affect connectivity within a neighbourhood and people’s social networks, the location and quality of housing, exposure to air and noise pollution, safe and accessible transport and opportunities for active travel. It also plays a crucial role in promoting access to open space, employment and healthy food options. 

It has been shown that residents living in areas which suffer from deprivation and a lack of community facilities and green spaces are much more likely to suffer from health problems. 

Conversely, studies have shown the detrimental health impacts of loneliness. Therefore, the twin issues relating to health and community are intertwined. The provision of strong community facilities that connect residents to each other through various activities and support groups contributes to people’s sense of belonging and to combat loneliness.

Additionally local community facilities contribute to a more sustainable pattern of development with communities by helping to reduce the need to travel.

The reviewed policy will address the relationship between good health and wellbeing and availability of services enabling residents to stay active and engage with other community members. 

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