
Landscape and Townscape

Discover Herefordshire Local Plan 2021-2041, Landscape and Townscape. Have your say today and share your views on the future of your community. Powered by Commonplace, the leading community engagement platform.


Landscape and Townscape

With a greater knowledge and understanding of the landscapes in the county, there is an opportunity to seek high quality developments that can protect, conserve and enhance the character of these landscapes both in terms of historical urban townscapes and the landscape of Herefordshire’s open countryside. 

The aim of seeking high quality development should extend further than just the designated landscapes of the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty but other distinctive places with local specific character.

The County Plan highlights the environment as one of the top priorities and key area of focus for the county. 

It recognises the importance of Herefordshire’s biodiversity and its contribution to the economy in particular tourism and in supporting the health and wellbeing of communities. 

Where landscapes have a particular local value, it is important for policies to identify their special characteristics and be supported by proportionate evidence. 

Policies may set out criteria against which proposals for development affecting these areas will be assessed. 

Plans can also include policies to avoid adverse impacts on landscapes and to set out necessary mitigation measures, such as appropriate design principles and visual screening, where necessary. The cumulative impacts of development on the landscape need to be considered carefully.

The reviewed Policy Options look to strengthen the approach of the existing policy. 

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